The metaphor of a tree can be used to visualise the elements of our faith
The Roots represent the twelve ancient Christian practices that support us.
Growing: prayer, Bible study, sabbath keeping and worship
Belonging: community, giving financially, fellowship and food
Sharing: faith sharing, generosity, service and conservation
The trunk is the enabling structures established to support our churches in mission including governance, financial support, training, admin support, partnerships, vocational discernment, line management and inspiring theology.
The branches represent an explicit and repeated exercise of theological reflection by the gathered community and individuals through supervision and ongoing reflective practice to help us to listen to God and to learn through action.
And the leaves and fruit are ‘maturing disciples involved in mission’ in five overarching missional teams.
Supporting young families and children
Supporting the older generation
Creative Arts in the community
Social action programmes, working in the wider community
Whole Life Discipleship for everyone